creative journaling

A Brief Explanation of Creative Journaling

Jan. 31, 2022

I'm christina.

A licensed professional counselor and creative ambassador, championing the power of creative expression by engaging individuals in finding their own creative voice.

hey there,

The “right and left brains,” as we call them, have become prominent in our understanding of the human condition.

The left brain is responsible for the kind of thinking required by our routine lives. It helps us deal with the world in a logical, linear way.

The right brain, on the other hand, provides much of our ability to be creative, intuitive, artistic and spontaneous.

Creative Journal Expressive Arts (CJEA) methods integrate our two brains so that we experience life more fully, making us more aware of both our conscious and unconscious worlds.

Creative Being's creative journaling activities are based on techniques developed by Dr. Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D., A.T.R., R.E.A.T., a world-renowned art therapist, best selling author of 13 books and trainer in Expressive Arts Therapy and Visioning.

Dr. Capacchione’s methods spark creativity in all areas of life. After successful careers in both art and education, she discovered the healing power of art and journaling with her non-dominant hand while struggling with a mysterious life-threatening illness.

CJEA sessions are unique and enjoyable. Certified practitioners who have completed a rigorous year-long training with Dr. Capacchione are qualified to lead participants in meaningful exercises that encourage creative expression.

Christina A. Vasquez, LPC is the only CJEA-certified practitioner in the Rio Grande Valley. Creative Being's creative journaling sessions and workshops always provide a time of relaxation and enlightenment for participants.

For more information on Creative Being's creative journaling sessions, email Christina at

I'm christina.

A licensed professional counselor and creative ambassador, championing the power of expression by engaging individuals in finding their own unique voice.

hey there,

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Weslaco, TX 78596

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M-TH: 9 AM - 4 PM
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O: (956) 405-3411

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